
Pastor & Staff

rev. dr. ronald w. raptosh


Pastor Ron has served our Faith community since 2010.

Sara Dover & Julie Ruane

Administrative Assistant & Secretary 

Sara and Julie help keep the church running! Please feel free to contact the office for any assistance or questions you may have.

Clint Stevenson

Church Caretaker

More than a custodian, Clint proudly keeps the church and grounds looking top notch! If you have any custodial or maintenance issues, please contact Clint.

Christine hankins & Holly Kwaczala

Organist & Pianist

Christine and Holly bless us with their talents every Sunday! If you have any questions on the music selections, or to volunteer for Special Music, please contact the Music Daepartment through Christine.

lisa popovich & sarah raptosh

Social Media Coordinators

If you have any questions on our live streaming services or posted devotions, or would like to post something to our social media accounts, please contact the Social Media Department through Lisa. These dedicated volunteers will be happy to assist you!