Our MISSION statement
Sharing Christ's Love Through Faith
our VISION and goals
Over the next year as a means of making disciples for Jesus Christ, for the transformation of the world, Faith Global Methodist Church of Delmont will be:
- Ensuring Biblical and spiritual worship experiences, which may be enhanced with blended worship elements.
- Continuing our ministry of hospitality by reaching out into the community through the fish fries, Christmas in Salem Crossroads, Delmont Daze, funeral dinners, Lenten ministerial luncheons, District and Conference events, and other events.
- Continuing to build an energized youth program.
- Incorporating new technology with an emphasis on updating our website to keep it current.
- Diversifying and expanding opportunities for Christian Education, for all ages, using a variety of learning and teaching resources (including technology).
- Exploring and initiating innovative ways to evangelize by moving beyond the walls of the church.
- Maintaining a personal connection with visitors by welcoming them with information and a gift.
- Continuing to create a safe and secure environment and providing opportunities where all people can live out their passion for Jesus Christ (caring, nurturing, supporting, protecting, forgiving and loving one another).
- Increasing our awareness of social justice issues (such as racial and gender inclusion and needs for the mentally and/or physically challenged).
- Increasing our involvement in local and global outreach ministries.
- Educating our church family and community regarding financial, psychological and other available crises resources, for people in need, as advocated by the United Methodist tradition.
- Effective/responsible stewards of our time, talent and treasure/money.
- Considering the possible physical enhancement of our church facility, as our church continues to grow.