

Faith offers an 8:00am service as well as a 10:30am service, with Sunday School for All Ages in between. We currently offer three options to worship.

  1. Sanctuary with masks optional
  2. Drive-in parking lot while tuning your radio to 89.1 fm
  3. Live streaming with the service posted later in the day for on-demand viewing

Sunday School for All Ages is held at 9:00am and meets from September through May, with a break during the summer months.

Children are welcome at ALL worship services. Activity bags are available if your child needs a little help getting through the service. Please ask an usher for an Activity Bag and kindly return items and the bag to the ushers at the end of the service.

Acolyte Training: All youth in 3rd grade and older are invited to carry Christ's light to the world.


Kitchen Ministries provides numerous opportunities to Share Christ’s Love Through Faith. Many volunteers are always needed to work in the kitchen, on the serving line, setting tables, and cleaning up. Fellowship is enjoyed and friendships grow. Additional volunteers are always needed who are willing to become familiar with our church kitchen and learn how they can become more involved in our active ministry. Kitchen Ministries is the main trunk of the various groups that prepare and serve food. Perhaps participation in one or more of the following branches of Kitchen Ministries provides an opportunity for you to help in the sharing of Christ’s love through service at Faith UMC.


This group provides hospitality and breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner for events as requested. They organize and prepare the sample plates of food for the Seder explanation presented by Jeff Kipp and his “Messiah in Passover” program.

Funeral Luncheons

Funeral meals are provided as a service to Faith families who request a funeral luncheon in our Fellowship Hall. Volunteers are needed to bake desserts, prepare deviled eggs, provide salad fixings, and help prepare and serve the meal.


This event takes place the first weekend of December. Volunteers are needed in the kitchen, on the line, helping wash dishes, setting up for the event, and cleaning up afterwards. Bakers are needed to make pies and cookies at home for the display of desserts when close to 2000 people could come through our food line over the course of the 2-day event.

Caring Hearts & Hands

The Caring Hearts & Hands Ministry of FGMC is currently under the leadership of Marcy W. and Cindy P. This ministry provides prepared nutritional meals meals to those individuals or families who could benefit from some meal assistance. Small groups of helpers periodically assemble in the church kitchen to prepare soups, main dishes, and desserts. Those meals are frozen and eventually packed into large colorful shopping bags that are given to the intended recipients as a way to demonstrate “Sharing Christ’s Love Through Faith.” If you become aware of a Faith member or friend who could use a bag of frozen meals from Caring Hearts & Hands, please let Marcy, Cindy, or the church office know.


Faith GMC has a wonderful nursery filled with toys that you may utilize whenever the need arises.  There are rocking chairs and a changing station. Plus, there is a speaker system so you can still enjoy listening to the service while your little one sleeps or plays. Ask an usher for information.